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My first 90 Days


During my first 90 days, I will be exposed to and gain a greater understanding of

the following:

1) My work schedule

2) My Daily routine

3) Professional Standards

4) A Review of expertise expectations

5) Review industry knowledge expectations and how to stay informed.

6) Discuss how to handle dealer questions that “I do not have the answer to”

7) Discuss effectiveness - prioritizing and bringing value to the accounts in my Region.


Business Knowledge:


● - Five profit centers of a dealership

● - OEM Partnerships ( Call and introduce myself to OEM reps and set up a meeting)

● - Who are our strategic partners

● - Company account Development Process

● - Review of the account development site

● - Review of the relationship pyramid

● - Review of the success equation for the Company


Scheduling visits in my Region:

● First, I would schedule all my visits 14 days in advance and send you my schedule.

● Second I would define my territory and analyze and segment my existing accounts.

● Third I would Conduct a SWOT (Strighnts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats) analysis

in my Region.

● Fourth I would set goals and create targets using the SMART methodology (Specific,

Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and time-based)

● I would then develop strategies to accomplish my goals.

● I would go back and track my results.


Sales Connect

● - Ensure my access

● - Review how to use the site.



● - Ensure my access to reports

● - Review the reports I will be responsible for in my role.



● - Necessary phone #'s

● - Access to the company portal related to my position

● - SharePoint

● - Google Drive

● - G Mail


● During this period, I should also be introduced to the dealers that currently will be my


● I should understand the history and expectations of each Dealer Client.

● Account development parameters and expectations.

● I will use the Watch-Do-Teach methodology to enhance my learning and mastery of our


Additional training:

● - Use of the Digital Intro

● - In-store tools

● - Core Comps, if designed or required by the company

● - Product knowledge tests, if required by the company

● - CFPB rate matrix and process


o Discuss travel requirements, expense reporting, and policy of the Company

o Show by doing – prove value, build respect and trust

o Train dealer personnel to drive performance

o Build rapport in dealerships

o Deliver on the Company Value Proposition

o Discuss goals and how my performance will be measured

o Discuss the results needed and the required activities from not only Blue Print requirements

Direct Supervisors' expectations.


Business Knowledge:


● As my new role has additional responsibilities, it also requires a different focus on the

business and the associated knowledge related to my new role


Business knowledge:


● 5 profit centers of a dealership (Sales; F&I; Service; Parts; and, Body Shop).

● OEM Partnerships.

● All OEM partners' contact information.

● Strategy with each dealer partnership.

● Importance of relationship.


● The appropriate level of service and time dedicated to the relationship-



● Our Strategic Product Partners.

● Who are they, and what do they do?


Professional standards– discuss relative to all circumstances –

company meetings, functions/training, dealer


o Timeliness

o Appearance/dress

o Professionalism

o Preparedness


Review Company Expectations:

o Expertise in Company products and processes

o Full knowledge of how to demonstrate and train on products and processes


o Understanding of coaching and how to ensure learning objectives are met


Review industry knowledge expectations and how to stay


o Understanding of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and other pressing industry


o Regulatory and compliance knowledge. Ensure completion of related training


o Industry news


Discuss how to handle dealer questions that I do not have the

answer to:

o Company Resources

§ Who to go to first

§ My responsibility to communicate my need for training/help


Discuss how to be effective, including how to prioritize and do things that bring value to the

account, teach dealer personnel how to do things for themselves, i.e., ordering forms

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